Salient Features of ASP.NET MVC6

What is ASP.NET MVC 6?
MVC, Web API, and Web page frameworks are merged into one framework referred to as MVC 6. It is an open-source framework and cross-platform compatible. MVC 6 is supported by mono, Mac, and Linux.
The architecture of MVC 6 :
ASP.NET MVC 6 New Striking Feature
1. Full Framework vs. Cloud-optimized Framework
Removed the dependency of System.Web.Dll from MVC6 because it consumes thousands(i.e. 30,000) of memory per request and response, whereas MVC 6 only requires less amount (i.e. 2000)of memory per request and the response consumes very small memory.
The benefit of the usage of the cloud-optimized framework is that we will encompass a copy of the mono CLR with your internet site. Because of this, we do not need to upgrade the .NET version on the whole machine. A different version of the CLR for a different website runs parallel. The runtime routinely picks the right model of the library while our MVC utility is deployed to the cloud.
The Core CLR is also assumed to be tuned with excessive resource-efficient optimization.
In ASP.NET vNext uses the Roslyn Compiler which automatically compiles the application code. If the user edits a code file and changes added by refreshing the browser without stopping or rebuilding the project.
2. Run-on hosts other than IIS
Using MVC5 we can host it on an IIS server and simultaneously run it on top of an ASP. Net Pipeline.MVC 6 can be self-hosted and uses a flexible pipeline in which we have entire control over the additives that are a part of the pipeline.
3. Environment based configuration system
The configuration system affords surroundings without problems deploying the application on the cloud. Our application works with the configuration providers which retrieves the value from the different configuration sources like XML file. While deploying MVC 5 applications to the cloud requires many configuration changes but because of the environment based configuration system in MVC 6 applications it’s easy to deploy to the cloud
4. Dependency injection
In MVC 6 dependency injection is supported across all of the technologies, WebAPI, MVC, and WebPages.A default dependency injection box is furnished out of the container which affords minimal functionality and is useful while we require the best-limited functionality. By implementing the IServiceProvider interface, it’s easy to add our own dependency injection container. This is the interface that is implemented by the default container as well, so we can replace the default implementation with our own container.
5. Supports OWIN
MVC 6 supports the OWIN abstraction, because of this application consists of a composable pipeline in which we have complete control over the various components in the pipeline.
Read more to know the important components of an MVC6 application.
Originally published at on May 17, 2020.
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