Containers and Docker: Using .NET

What is Docker?
Docker is an open-source platform for developing, shipping, and running applications which enables to separate applications from infrastructure, and software that can deliver quickly. Docker provides many benefits such as runtime environment isolation, consistency via code, and portability.
What are Containers?
Containers are the organizational units of Docker. When we build an image and start running it; we are running in a container. The container analogy is used because of the portability of the software we have running in our container. The isolation and security allow you to run many containers simultaneously on a given host. There is no need for an extra load of a hypervisor so containers are lightweight, & it runs directly within the host machine’s kernel.
Docker Engine
Docker Engine lets you to develop, assemble, ship, and run application usage of the following components:
1. Docker Daemon
It is a persistent background process that listens for Docker API requests and processes them & manages Docker images, containers, networks, and storage volumes.
2. Docker Engine REST API
An API utilized by programs to engage with the Docker daemon; it could be accessed with the aid of an HTTP client.
3. Docker CLI
A command-line interface purchaser for interacting with the Docker daemon. It substantially simplifies how you manage container times and is one of the key reasons why developers love the use of Docker.
Docker architecture
- Docker uses a client-server architecture.
- The Docker patron talks to the Docker daemon, which does the heavy lifting of building, running, and dispensing your Docker containers.
- The Docker patron and daemon can run on the same system, or you may join a Docker consumer to a remote Docker daemon.
- The Docker client and daemon talk about the use of a REST API, over UNIX sockets, or a community interface.
Read more to know how to create your ASP.NET core project in detail and architecture of docker in details.
Originally published at on May 18, 2020.
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